Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 45 in total

IB Paddle Raise


Saint $2000

Gold $1000

Silver $500

Patron $250

Friend $100

Sponsor $50

Saint $2000

Gold $1000

Silver $500

Patron $250

Friend $100

Sponsor $50

Saint $2000

Gold $1000

Silver $500

Patron $250

Friend $100

Sponsor $50

Girl in Flowered Dress

Friends of Wauwatosa Catholic

Girl in Mauve Dress

Friends of Wauwatosa Catholic

Girl in Plaid Dress

Friends of Wauwatosa Catholic

* One Semester Free Tuition Brya...

Bryant & Stratton College

* 6 PRIVATE 1:1 Sessions at Fitn...

Fitness Together Wauwatosa

* 90 Days of Fitness (WAC) at th...

Wisconsin Athletic Club

* Shopping Party at Lela Boutiqu...

Lela Boutique

* Initial Evaluation & One Accup...

Acupuncture & Holistic Health Associates

* Milwaukee Chamber Theatre Two ...

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre

* Initial Evaluation & One Accup...

Acupuncture & Holistic Health Associates

* Initial Evaluation & One Accup...

Acupuncture & Holistic Health Associates